
The Maungaturoto Campus is nestled in a peaceful rural setting in the ‘Winterless North’ and named after the small township the school is located within.

Maungaturoto is one of New Zealand’s largest OneSchool Global Campuses. Located amongst beautiful farmland, close to the Kaipara Harbour and to rugged coastlines but also not far from Auckland and Whangarei, our location offers us wonderful opportunities to conduct educational trips and other exciting learning experiences.

We cater for students from Dargaville in the Northwest through to Warkworth in the Southeast, encompassing Paparoa, Maungaturoto & Wellsford, too. A major emphasis is placed on the individual student reaching his/her full potential. By operating in small class groups and ensuring that each student is individually known and cared for, we provide the ideal learning environment. Our students’ learning programmes are based on the NZ curriculum, and we place a lens of the school wide values alongside their learning, to support the development of well-rounded and positive students.

Our student community is lively, enjoys competition and our students are highly talented athletes and musicians who contribute just like our staff and families to the warm and vibrant atmosphere of our campus.

Our campus is a modern open learning environment that meets the demands of the 21st century but we also offer a large outdoor area encompassing a football field, Volleyball, Netball and Basketball Courts as well as an indoor sports area. Our Learning Centres for both the Junior and Senior School allow our students to make choices about how they learn best, allowing them to develop their self-directed learning skills, while the variety of learning spaces allow teachers to choose how best to deliver their lessons.

Teachers are well equipped with the latest technology and pedagogical practices to enhance the teaching and learning programmes and platforms provided by OneSchool Global to provide a safe, exciting and engaging learning environment. Small class sizes mean that our teachers and students are able to maximise learning time.

Our positive and warm campus culture is created by a close working relationship between the Campus Administrators (who operate with the Trust as school trustees), school leadership, staff, students, the community and our large number of voluntary support personnel. We welcome you to visit our campus anytime.

“We are a caring school where students enjoy the experience but at the same time we set high expectations. We believe in creating a culture whereby students can learn to be successful, self-directed learners.”

Contact us!
OneSchool Global Maungaturoto Campus
55 Whaka Street, Maungaturoto 0520
T: 09-431 8954 | E: [email protected]

Primary Students
Secondary Students
Total Students

Our Ethos

At our School, students are encouraged to develop their full potential and acquire the discipline of ‘learning how to learn’, while upholding fundamental Christian teachings and beliefs, especially those of purity, integrity and godliness. The truth and authority of the Holy Bible and strong family values underpin the commitment of the School to provide quality in every facet of education – curriculum, teachers, facilities, management and discipline – in a safe, secure and caring environment.

School Policies

Please click on the links below to review our policies; other policies are listed in the Campus Prospectus and are available on request:

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